Tuesday, May 11, 2010

8 days

Well at least we made it 8 days seizure free. I had such a good feeling about it, and I am somewhat shocked to be back to daily seizures. I shouldn't be...but I am. We had a GREAT week, and for that I am thankful. Hopefully new meds will be the answer. We return to Philly next week and will choose a new med. I am uncertain which path to take with his meds. The doctor mentioned depakote, or prednisone. Does anyone have any suggestions about either med? On a good note we are starting OT today, or at least the evalutation is today! I'm so glad we will finally have therapist watching and helping him now.

Hope all is well with everyone, still praying for you all!



  1. 8 days WOW!! so amazing and we couldnt be happier for you guys. Well take everyday we can get wont we??

    Sounds like you guys are headed in a good direction and we continue to pray for you.

    Can you foward me your phone number again. Ive been meaning to call but ive misplaced it.

    you guys have a good day

  2. When Dawson became seizure free after about six months...it started in spurts. He would have some days with no seizures, then he would have some again, then none and then some again until finally they stopped all together. He was seizure free for almost 1 year...until we did the vaccinations again. Your story sounds so similar to ours...so theres hope!! I pray for the seizure freedom soon!!!

