So Landon has been having some issues with loose bowels, and the home nurse thought he should be tested for C-Diff. So I called the Philadelphia team, and they thought it was a good idea. So yesterday we took a sample down and today we got the call that it is POSITIVE! Seriously? It seems that anything Landon can get, he does. So now we have this to battle. Hopefully it gives some insight to why he isn't drinking, he has a rash all over his back, a slight fever, and the bowel issues. When it rains it pours. I'm assuming he contracted it during our lovely hospital stay considering it started on day 3 of our stay. Just one more thing to check off Landons illness list.
On a happy note, we have still only seen 1 seizure since last Tuesday(Oct. 12). Pretty awesome!!! Although he is sick, and on the new diet, he seems very happy! He did amazing with his therapies this week, and is jabbering all the time. No new words, but I'm happy with anything he says. His voice is like angels singing to me! There is nothing sweeter.
I know things are going to get better...we just have one more mountain to climb to get there.
Hope all is well with everyone...prayers for all our friends!
Awesome about the lack of seizures....Whoo Hoo!!! Sorry to hear he has another issue to battle, poor little guy. Prayers as always for little Landon and family.
thanks for your message. unfortunately, kendall got a g-button a year ago after being on the diet for 3 months. she stopped drinking completely. at first she liked the ketocal...and we tried everything...smoothies, egg nog, approved flavoring...but she wouldn't take liquids from a bottle at all. she was eating small meals like a champ, but water, powerade, and ketocal were a no go.
ReplyDeletegetting the g-button has been a life changer for us. it let us stay on the diet, keep her hydrated, and made eating pleasurable again.
i often wonder if she would have ever needed a g-button if we hadn't been on the keto diet...but then again, if she hadn't done the diet she probably would have continued her crazy seizure activity with no relief. kinda no win. but to answer your question, yes. kendall used to be a great eater, then literally over night refused all liquids, resulting in her being severely dehydrated and hospitalized. we went straight for the g-button rather than getting the ng tube. i have heard the ng tube is very irritating to the throat, so they tend not to eat at all. kendall still eats by mouth 3 meals a day, but most of her liquids are tubed.
your little one is sooo stinkin cute!
I have some extra ng tubes if you need them. We have no use for them anymore. That's great news about the seizures! Isn't it funny, his seizures get better and then you have all of this other stuff to deal with (that's exactly how it happened for us too)!! Hang in there! Thinking of you guys...