It's official...Landon will be starting the ketogenic diet on October 11th. He will be admitted in CHOP for 5 days. We are staying optomistic that this is our "miracle." After attempting 12 meds in the last year, it seems this is our next option. We are currently weaning Sabril, and will continue Topomax, and Klonopin for now. If any of you have done the diet, you are aware of the huge task it is. I feel fortunate that Landon hasn't eaten "real" food, other than baby food. He will hopefully make the transition an easy one. Our biggest struggle will be the water and Keto Kool-aid. He hates anything other than formula, and part of me will struggle with fighting him.
Landon is doing great with development! He has been rolling over more and more each day! He actully rolled 6 times yesterday!!!! Might not sound like much, but it's a huge step in the right direction. He continues to sit well on his own, but still tripods. He also took his 1st ride in the shopping cart in Sam's. He really seemed to like it...however he is still pretty wobbly in it. I enjoyed not having a shopping cart and stroller at once!
We hope everyone is doing well, and continue prayers for all of you! Extra prayers for Dawson and his family that his surgery is a huge success!
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